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Project Expo

Rules for Project Expo

 The registration fee is Rs. 100/head.

 There can be a maximum of 4 members per project.

 Participants should bring their own kit for the Project Expo.

 An abstract (within 100 words) of the paper with the Name(s) of the Author(s), title of the paper should be sent in word (.doc) or PDF (.pdf) format only.

 Details should be send along with the Abstract (Author’s Name, Guide Name, College, Year & Department with Phone Number)

 Selected project will be intimated through email.

 Selected abstracts may be subsequently edited and published in one of the forth coming issues of Technicians’ Journal, Souvenir, Students’ Newsletter, depending upon the availability of space for printing. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to edit (or) reframe the abstract of the paper without notice

 Last date for sending the abstracts is 20th February, 2017.

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